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Gnosticism: The American Religion

Over at The Federalist (which is rapidly becoming my favorite site for news and opinion), Peter Burfeind has written an essay that explains the philosophical roots of the sexual revolution in this country, as part of a larger rebellion against nature and reality -- an ancient rebellion known as Gnosticism:...

When religious views matter in politics

The political topic of the week was Mitt Romney's speech on religion, his attempt to defuse any concerns voters may have about his Mormon faith. Over at National Review Online (of all places), Jason Lee Steorts responds to criticism that "Mormonism is nuts" (as he puts it) by saying that...

A faithful few on global warming, Calvinism, romance, sexuality, and xenobaptism

Some interesting faith-related items from the blogroll: Swamphopper wonders about the latest release from some prominent evangelical leaders (including Purpose-peddler Rick Warren) calling for an end to global warming: These are the questions going through my mind today: What will the evangelical church look like ten or twenty years from...

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